Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Key Points/Terms in Chapter 9

Monday, February 24, 2014

Activity 1 & 2 Screenshots

Political Party Evolution

Political parties are given this perspective of evil people who in government for the perks. But the original intent of the political parties was never for the perks. But instead let the people have representation in which the British never did. The early form of political parties were the Federalists vs. Democratice-Republicans. The representation that was involved was the capitalists vs. the agrarian people respectively. As time moved forward, the Jacksonian era brought greater political participation due to the direct elections. Later, FDR brought in the "reign" of the Democratic Party due the New Deal Coalition. This enabled minorites to be represented and give the Democratic Party to be the clear majority party for decades to come. From 1968 to the present, the political parties now have a divided government in which the president is controlled by one party while Congress is controlled by another. Due to this separation, party dealignment occurs, moving people's political views towards Independent. Also, nowadays third parties become great factors in determining elections and policies. For elections, as shown in the 2000 Presidental election, Al Gore might have won if it wasn't for Nader gathering in 5% of the liberal votes that Al Gore might have gotten. The Green Party is the best example of policies because whenever the Green Party creates a policy, the Democratic Party takes that certain policy and incroperates it into the Democratic ideals. This shows that the Democratic Party is afraid that the Green Party might sway voters to either vote for the Green Party or take their votes to another party.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Good detailed summary/outline of Chapter 8 - Starts on pg. 120